PerfOps FlexBalancer Raw Logs

Our latest product release contains plenty of new features, so we decided to list the major ones that our users will find most exciting.

Raw Logs for FlexBalancer requests

We now make it even simpler to debug your load-balancing by providing access to raw logs for FlexBalancer. All requests hitting our backend are now logged and available for analysis by our customers directly on the Analytics page.

FlexBalancer Raw Logs

When you setup complex load-balancing rules it could be hard to understand how it will perform in some rare use-cases. By viewing the logs you are able to see in detail what is happening in your load-balancer, understand how some decisions were made and why.

FlexBalancer raw logs meta-data

We make the full data available in the UI the same way we have done with CDN Raw Logs which makes it simple and fast to use without having to run any specialized tools. But the data is also available via our API for all the power-users out there, pull it and analyze it as needed and for any reason!

Other changes:

  • Queries stats are now updated much faster and the data in the nav bar is more accurate
  • Timezone offset improvements
  • Improved GEO database for higher accuracy GEO based load-balancing

Stay tuned for future product updates!